Chairman Chen xianxin meets with former U.S. energy secretary

Chen xianxin, chairman and President of Shanghai Golden construction group co., ltd. met with Steven chu, former secretary of the U.S. department of energy and Nobel laureate in physics, at the San Francisco city hall on April 24, 2015.Chairman Chen introduced the group and exchanged views on China's energy deconstruction and other issues.According to former secretary chu, China's energy mix of 25 percent coal, 20 to 25 percent natural gas, 50 to 55 percent nuclear or other renewable energy sources should be more reasonable.Chairman Chen invited former secretary chu to visit our group at his convenience.The meeting between the two sides took place in a pleasant atmosphere.


Chairman Chen xianxin meets with former U.S. secretary of energy Steven chu

Steven chu, male, was born on February 28, 1948, in st. Louis, Missouri. He graduated from the university of rochester in 1970 with a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a bachelor's degree in physics.1978 member of the board of trustees of the American physical society.In 1993, he was awarded the king feissel international science prize.In 1994, he was awarded the Arthur schorro prize and the William meigs prize.He won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1997.On June 5, 1998, he was elected as a foreign academician of the Chinese academy of sciences.In December 2008, he was nominated by the 56th U.S. president-elect barack Obama to be the U.S. secretary of energy.。

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